Berta Cáceres: State & Democracy

Words by Berta Cáceres, IX Emancipatory Paradigms, Havanah, Cuba, 2011. Berta Cáceres: Estado y Democracia Palabras de Berta Cáceres, IX Paradigmas Emancipatorios, la Habana Cuba 2011. Berta Cáceres: État et Démocratie Paroles de Berta Cáceres, IX Paradigmes émancipateurs, La Havane,...

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Rojava: The First Revolution of the 21st Century

Video en Español ‘Rojava. La primera revolución del siglo XXI’ Transcription/Translation In the midst of the bombings from ISIS and the US-led coalition, in the midst of the advance of Syrian troops and the exodus of millions of people running...

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