Protecting Oceania Releases Statement Opposing 2024 RIMPAC

25 Pacific nations represented in call to end military exercises Honolulu, Hawaiʻi — Today, leaders and organizations from across 25 Pacific nations have released a joint statement opposing the 27th Rim of the Pacific exercises (RIMPAC) scheduled to begin this...

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It Takes Roots Statement on Conclusion of the UNFCCC COP26 Conference of the Parties and Glasgow Climate Pact: Incrementalism Leaves Frontline Communities to Face Increasing Climate Chaos

For Immediate Release Contact: Aimee Inglis, Communications Coordinator, It Takes Roots:
Eddie Vale, NP Agency: Glasgow, Scotland — As negotiations of the UNFCCC COP26 have concluded, the It Takes Roots alliance issues the following statement: The Glasgow Climate...

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Grupos indígenas, comunidades afectadas y líderes sobre el clima denuncian la hipocresía ecológica en la Cumbre Climática, entregan una Carta Abierta al Gobernador Brown

For Immediate Release: el 10 de septiembre, 2018 Contacto: Cabot Lee Petoia, 828-899-9239,; Kawana Lloyd, 240-472-2860, Grupos indígenas, comunidades afectadas y líderes sobre el clima denuncian la hipocresía ecológica en la Cumbre Climática, entregan una Carta Abierta ...

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