In this age of the global rise of the right wing, misogyny is being normalized, reproductive rights are being threatened, and hate crimes are increasing. The Feminist Organizing School provides a space for grassroots leaders to create a shared vision for the grassroots internationalist feminist movement we hope to build. At the Feminist Organizing School, we explore the theoretical and historical intersections of patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, white supremacy and climate change; and a vision of a feminist future, including development of a feminist economy. We also support each other in the task of bringing a feminist agenda to our daily work. Our majority women of color training team uses a Train the Trainers model so leaders can replicate the curriculum in their local or regional contexts. If we invest in the leadership that can best confront the challenges of our time, today’s movement has the chance to make this period a historical turning point, where movements got stronger and more unified and began to win. Precisely because of the threats we are facing, this is a key moment to invest in the survival, success and leadership of women and gender-oppressed people of color doing cross-border, cross-sector movement building and transformative leadership development. Interested in supporting or learning more? Contact us: or 540-445-0819