GGJ Prepares for People’s Summit on Climate Change, Lima Peru December 2014
Check out outcomes, updates and more about the Cumbre, Road to Paris and Beyond.
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ) is sending a delegation of 12 GGJ leaders to the People’s Summit on Climate Change COP 20 in Lima, Peru from December 8–11, 2014.
World leaders will begin drafting a new agreement on climate change this year in Lima at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference on Parties (COP 20). The final agreement is then expected to be signed in 2015 at the COP 21 in Paris. The People’s Summit on Climate Change will coincide with the last few days of the UN process. It will provide a space for concerned people, organizations and social movements to “…share initiatives, proposals and experiences, as well as define and coordinate our agendas, to bring pressure to bear on the decision makers at COP 20, and demand that the official negotiators take account of the world’s citizens and peoples.” (
For this exciting and historic delegation we have an incredible cohort of 12 GGJ leaders who will build with movement allies to oppose false promises, co-create solutions coming from the grassroots and demand that governments be accountable to the People and the Planet.
- Arturo Trejo, Southwest Workers Union
- Candida Flores, POWER
- Cindy Wiesner, Grassroots Global Justice
- Dania Flores-Heagney, Environmental Justice League of Rhode Island
- Diana Lopez, Southwest Workers Union
- Diane Lane-Hymans, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- Ife Kilimanjaro, Grassroots Global Justice
- James Burke, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- Kali Akuno, Cooperation Jackson
- Sacajawea (Saki) Hall, Cooperation Jackson
- Tiffany Ng, Chinese Progressive Association
- Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Delegates will:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the UN process and the role that the negotiations at the COP 20 play in determining global policy on climate change over the coming decades;
- Participate in mobilizations and activities that will demand that government leaders be more accountable to people and the planet now and in the future;
- Participate with international social movement allies in shaping global organizing strategies to challenge corporate-driven policies;
- Participate in self-organized activities that GGJ will coordinate with allies;
- Participate in delegation briefings, orientations and strategy discussions to guide GGJ’s work in your community, nationally and internationally.
Twitter: @ggjalliance
Facebook: Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
WordPress Blog:
Thematic Axes of the People’s Summit: Civilization Change and Development Models, Causes and Impacts of Global Warming and Climate Change, Energy, Agriculture, Food Security and Sovereignty, Sustainable Land Management, Finance and Technology Transfer, Women and the sustainability of life.
December 10th: People’s Climate March on International Human Rights Day