Jerome Today marks the first full-day in Tunis for the GGJ delegation to the 2013 World Social Forum.  Our delegation is made up of thirteen GGJ member organizations are represented by 22 individuals, and 5 allies, coming from 12 different cities from across the United States. We did an extensive orientation for GGJ delegates as it is the first time for many of us in Northern Africa. With a quick introduction from each delegate we sprang into action by setting the foundation of what the next week holds for us. But of course, no introduction is complete without a brief walk-through of the region’s history by Jerome Scott. Tunisia’s documented history dates back 5000 years.  And as a Latino and son of Mexican parents, it is only right to call this place my motherland’s motherland.

With visitors flying in from all parts of the world, it was important to find a common ground amongst all the participants of the Forum.  Climate Change, Social movements and Women’s rights have been today’s topics.  With so many panels, and a few delegates, it is important to strategize who will attend what. Most importantly it was important for us to remember that we are here to learn as much as we are to share our experiences from our communities in the US.

Erin programme


It was crucial for us to designate roles and tasks for this upcoming week. With such equitable topics, we make sure each one is covered as thoroughly as possible. Our Communications team has taken the lovely responsibility to keep all our supporters back home that could not be here updated throughout the week. And our Logistics team is making sure we are all on schedule, stay focused and have enough food, water, coffee and sleep so that we may continue to do such great work.

As we finish up our first full day, we make sure we’re ready for tomorrow’s march. Banners, posters, and chants are all set and done as we wait for the first day of Panels at the University El Manar here in Tunis, Tunisia.