Check out the video: Vandana Shiva – “The Earth is the Biggest Employer”
I was inspired yesterday by Vandana Shiva at the People Summit. I only caught part of her speech where she states that “the earth is the biggest employer” and not the corporate profit structure that influences our global food systems.
In her presentation she discussed the role of the climate injustice, false green economy, small farmers, contradictions to patents of life, impacts of GMO’s, occupy movement and taking back the land for urban agriculture as well as community rights to the land.
Check out the video: Vandana Shiva – “The Earth is the Biggest Employer”
Ironically, I had planned to go to another presentation on zero waste with GGJ comrades but I heard a familiar voice speaking-English while walking past the tent structures where the presentations were being held. Over one hundred people were attentively listening to her presentation. Over three fourths of the crowd had translation equipment.
She got a standing ovation after her speech. While everyone clapped I navigated through the crowd of Portugese voices trying to pick up familiar words that sounds like Spanish and eventually I was the third person in line to greet her. I greeted her with warm eyes and with solutions in my heart and asked her had she heard about the food justice work in the Bay Area. She said, “yes, you all are doing amazing work”. We smiled together and then I asked her did she hear about the occupation of Gill Tract in Berkeley, which called attention to the need for direct action to take back the land. She said, “I heard about it but send me more information”. She gave me a giant motherly hug and I thanked her for presentation.
I wish I got a picture with her but maybe I’ll catch up with her on the streets marching for climate justice and protecting the people and the planet.