Updates & Analysis

Cancel RIMPAC | Protecting Oceania 2024

As the members of Protecting Oceania, representing the peoples of Hawaiʻi, Aotearoa, West Papua, Papua New Guinea, Kanaky, Vanuatu, Fiji, Rotuma, Solomon Islands, First Nation peoples of Australia and the…

Our Work

Global Well-being

Members of Grassroots Global Justice felt a deep resonance with the concept of Global Well-Being, and in 2010 formed a working group to develop political strategy and information for GGJ members on the interrelated topics of energy, climate, environmental justice...

Grassroots Feminism

BUILD A JUST TRANSITION TO A FEMINIST ECONOMY What is Grassroots Feminism? Grassroots feminism is a worldview and political practice rooted in the realities and interests of women, queer, trans, and non binary people who have been harmed by the...

Movement Building

Building the Bigger WE GGJ is committed to engaging in grassroots movement building to strengthen collective alignment and power. While we remain rooted in the critical organizing happening at the local level, given the scope of the challenges we face, ...


"GGJ offers the opportunity for a platform of a transnational and global character that is not just about one movement, but many struggles that are part of one."

— Isabel Vinent Grimany, Deputy Director, Florida Immigrant Coalition

Featured Programs

IFOS La Jornada | Honduras

Photo by Vanesa Ordoñez Our first in-person Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School (IFOS) was held in Honduras in August 2023, in partnership with La Jornada Continental — the Continental…


A GREEN NEW DEAL FROM THE FRONTLINES Frontline communities have long held solutions to the climate crisis. Black, Brown, API, Indigenous, and working class communities in the United States and…

Featured Resources


Powerful actors are using “net zero” pledges to hide their climate inaction. Stopping the climate crisis requires us to stop burning fossil fuels – no magical thinking will solve this problem, just immediate action and system change. But transnational...


PROTECT, REPAIR, INVEST, TRANSFORM The intersecting crises of income and wealth inequality and climate change, driven by systemic white supremacy and gender inequality, has exposed the frailty of the U.S. economy and democracy. This document was prepared during the COVID-19...